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Jeep tour to Big Almaty Lake, Issyk Lake and Turgen Waterfall.

Jeep tour to Big Almaty Lake, Issyk Lake and Turgen Waterfall.

What awaits you on this trip


Lakes and waterfalls

This tour takes place in the most accessible and beautiful places of the Tien Shan Mountains, located near Almaty. We will visit three of the most popular natural attractions, hidden in the cool mountain valleys.


The best views of the day

In one day, we will pass the most beautiful lakes of Tien Shan: BAO, Issyk Lake and see Turgen Waterfall. We think you will like the natural beauty of Kazakhstan, which is in no way inferior to the landscapes of the Alps.



We will visit one of the waterfalls – Medvezhiy. Easy hiking along a mountain trail. The path to it will take 15-20 minutes. Medvezhiy is one of the high waterfalls of Zailiyskiy Alatau (the closest mountain range of Tien Shan to Almaty). Its height is about 50 m.

Route plan

General route plan

Almaty – BAO – Lake Issyk – Turgen – Bear Falls – Almaty.

Almaty - BAO

This tour takes place in the most accessible and beautiful places of the Tien Shan Mountains, located near Almaty. We will visit three of the most popular natural attractions, hidden in the cool mountain valleys. In the morning we will visit a high-mountain lake, which is held by a powerful natural dam. Having driven along endless serpentines among the forests of Tien Shan spruce, at an altitude of 2500 m we will finally see one of the pearls of the Tien Shan - Big Almaty Lake. In good weather, you will be amazed by the snow-capped peaks surrounding the lake, reaching a height of more than 4000 m. If we are lucky, we will see the peak of the Soviets 4317 m - one of the highest peaks, located near the city of Almaty.

BAO – Lake Issyk

The next stop will be another lake in the Tien Shan Mountains – Issyk. It is located slightly below BAO at an altitude of 1800 m, where deciduous trees give way to conifers. Members of the Communist Party of the CPSU used to relax here, and boats used to sail here. However, in 1963, this lake suffered a sad fate. A powerful mudflow almost completely destroyed it, and the natural dam was washed away. Now the lake has been partially restored. Previously, it was 3 times larger. But the flow of tourists here still does not dry up. Everyone who comes to Almaty wants to visit here and take a picture of themselves against its backdrop.

Turgen - Bear Waterfall - Almaty

After lunch in the small town of Issyk, we will go to the Turgen Valley. This is a very long gorge, which you can walk along for several weeks. Among lovers of car tours, it is known for its waterfalls - Medvezhiy and Kairaksky, as well as the high-mountain plateau Assy. We will visit one of the waterfalls - Medvezhiy. Unlike the previous attractions, you need to make a mini-hike along a mountain path to the waterfall. The path to it will take 15-20 minutes. Medvezhiy Waterfall is one of the high waterfalls of the Zailiysky Alatau (the closest mountain range of the Tien Shan to the city of Almaty). Its height is about 50 m. A powerful stream of water, crashing against the rocks, forms a mesmerizing spectacle that you can watch for hours. On hot summer days, some tourists swim in the cold mountain waters of this waterfall. We return along the same path to our car and return to the city.

Trip Timing

*The time is approximate, minor adjustments are possible. The program can also be changed according to the client’s wishes.


350 USD (1-4 persons)

*Services are designed for 1-4 people. For a group of more than four people, the cost is calculated individually.

Discount on tours

If this is a group tour, there are discounts for early booking. You can follow group tours in our telegram channel. There are also pleasant discounts for regular customers.

What to take with you on a trip

*Not necessarily! Recommended clothing if the trip includes trekking. But even on regular trips, it will be more comfortable in mountain clothing. Otherwise, you can look at the list and understand what you need to take, you can replace it with simple things.




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